There Is A Place – By Paul Enenche
Pastor Paul Enenche – There Is A Place Lyrics
Lyrics for There Is A Place By Pastor Paul Enenche
Verse 1
There is a place my heart cries out for Lord
There is a place I am yearning for
It is a place, where deep calls to the deep
I am overwhelmed by this deep longing Lord
There is a place my heart cries out for Lord
There is a place I am yearning for
It is a place where deep calls to the deep
Oh it is a place of Your dwelling Lord
Take me Lord to Your Secret Place Lord
Take me by the hand to Your Holy Place
Let me see Your Face and Your Glory Lord
Let me know You more than I have known You Lord
Verse 2
For the glory of Your Face Oh Lord
For the power of Your Presence Lord
For the fragrance of Your great love
Oh I am consumed by this passion Oh Lord
For the glory of Your Face Oh Lord
For the power of Your Presence Lord
For the fragrance of Your great love
Oh please let me dwell in Your Presence Oh Lord
Verse 3
Lord let me feel the warmth of Your embrace
Let me feel the flame of Your love
Let me know the warmth of Your grace
Oh Lord the desire of my heart is for You
Lord let me feel the warmth of Your embrace
Let me feel the flame of Your love
Oh let me know the wealth of Your grace
Oh please let me dwell in Your Presence Oh Lord

“There is a place” by Dr. Paul Enenche
Have you downloaded and listened to the song “There is a place” by Dr. Paul Enenche? This definitely is
one of the very best Christian songs by God’s servant Dr. Paul Enenche.
Paul Enenche Dunamis Gospel International Center
The song “there is a place” is a very deep song that will ignite your seeking for the LORD. Don’t forget
that as humans we are to pant after the LORD very vehemently. It is only in Him that we can become all
that He has destined us to be.
Gospel Music: Download (Let Me Want What You Want – by Paul Enenche & Family) & Lyrics
As you listen to the song “there is a place”, you will be energized to come into the secret place where
you enjoy deep intimacy with the Lord. The sweetness and fulfillment you will find here is divinely
enriching. This is what we are destined for.
The secret place is a place of communion and intercourse with our Father and Lover. He, Jesus, loves us
vehemently that He gave us Himself, so He can bring us to Himself. He always crave to have us for
Himself, and it is wisdom that we yield and surrender ourselves to Him too.
Today, we see a lot of people going here and there searching for pleasure from different channels. You
see some folks doing bad and nasty things just to derive pleasure from them. Many are seeking for
pleasure in drugs, alcohol, illicit sex, and other terrible things. Unfortunately, those things only offers
temporal satisfaction that soons wears off, and adds more misery to them.
The fact remains that only intimacy with the Lord can fulfill the longings of our soul (why many seeks
pleasure from drugs, alcohol and illicit sex). There is a void in the lives of everyone of us that must be
filled if we want to live a pleasant and joyful life. Nothing else have the ability to bring genuine
satisfaction, except the Lord Himself.
lyrics of the song You Are Always There by Paul Enenche
The reason for this is because we came from the Lord, and He is our Source. If we want to thrive and
flourish, then it must be inside of Him and Him alone. Therefore, we must go His secret place, the place
where only Him can take us to.
We are creatures of love that must love and give love. Unfortunately, a lot of people are miserable
today because they are seeking love from other sources, which is very bad. We are to enjoy divine love
from the Lover of our soul, Who is the LORD JESUS Himself.
He teaches us to love and how to love in Him. He satisfys us with His love, and we are fulfilled. And these
can be possible as we approach His secret place and stay there. This is His dwelling place. And He is the
One who will lead you into His Holy place.
As Dr. Paul Enenche sang in the song “There is a place”, you will get to see and experience the Glory of
the LORD in His secret place.
This should be a regular thing for us as children of God. Don’t forget that we have the advantage in
Christ Jesus. Our Lord has given us great access to the LORD, and we can keep enjoying our sweet
fellowship with Him forever.
Oh, Jesus is Sweet!
One of the very beautiful things about a song like this by Dr. Paul Enenche is that it can help encourage
you to take out quality time to spend in the secret place, where it is just you and God alone. Don’t forget
that there are many things calling for our attention as humans.
People and to do all manner of things. They have works to do. They have a whole lot of things to attend
to. While some things are legitimate, many others were placed by the evil ones to distract people from
what really matters – flourishing in God.
As we are always patronizing the secret place where the Spirit of God abides, we get the refreshing we
need. The truth is, we must always flourish with God in the secret place. We must never allow anything
deprive us regularly of the blessings of the secret place with the Lord Jesus Christ.
So, one of the things that can be of great assistance in making all of these a reality is by listening to
songs like there is a place by Dr. Paul Enenche. It will get you stirred up to seek the LORD very
powerfully. And it is obvious that your life will never remain the same.
In conclusion, you can download the song There Is A Place by Paul Enenche online right now. You can
listen to it online too, from your smartphone, PC, and so on.