Daily Destiny Builders Dr Becky Paul Enenche
Husband, love your Wife as Christ loves the Church
You want peace in your home? Then please understand, dear Wife, that your duty is to submit in every way to your husband, support him and recognize him as your head. Husband, love your Wife as Christ loves the Church. #DailyDestinyBuilders #DrBeckyPaulEnenche Paul Enenche Family Wisdom

God’s work, more than any other assignment, requires doing it according to His Divine leading and instructions. Receive the Grace to serve effectively, in Jesus’ Name! #DailyDestinyBuilders #DrBeckyPaulEnenche
Daily Blessings Dr Becky Paul Enenche Sep

Strive to bring out the best in you; nurture yourself unto greatness. Receive the Grace to do that consistently with results, in Jesus’ Name! #DailyDestinyBuilders #DrBeckyPaulEnenche
Marital Establishment Prayer For SINGLES DrBecky Paul Enenche

Paul Enenche With You Lord Song+Lyrics
Many have not seen the results of some prayers while others have lost their testimonies because of some vows they previously made but didn’t keep. Receive the Grace to say what you mean and mean what you say. #DailyDestinyBuilders #DrBeckyPaulEnenche