THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The closer we get to the end of the age, the less love we find in the hearts of people.
Scriptures make it very clear that we are in the end of the age (Matthew 24:3, 2 Timothy 3:1). As a generation, we are closer to the end of the age more than ever before.
Now, as we get closer to the end of the age, there are signs we see everywhere. In medicine, we have signs and symptoms of diseases. The symptoms are the things the patient tells the doctor while the signs are the things the doctor elicits from the patient. In the same way, there are signs and symptoms of the end time.
In our previous studies, we have already looked at some signs of the end time.
Today, we shall look at yet another sign, which is the abundance of lovelessness and wickedness (Matt. 24:12).
Sometime ago, I spoke with a young girl. She told me, “Sir, the woman that calls herself my mother, I wonder if she actually gave birth to me. This is because no mother can be as wicked as she is to a child of her womb”. Wickedness or lovelessness is a sign of the end time.
We live in a time where parents can say that over their dead body would their own children get married or pregnant. There are people today whose root of suffering in life is from their home – either their mother or father; their uncle or a relation, is behind their predicaments. When they are about to rise in life, they are confronted with diverse resistance, as if to say: “Where do you think you are you going? What do you think you want to become?” And such people usually end up crashing in life as a result of witchcraft manipulations. This is wickedness! It is a sign of the end time.
We live in a world of terrible wickedness and lovelessness. You should not be surprised about the wickedness of people because wickedness is a sign of the end time. People shall be loveless and wicked. We have heard stories of people who sacrificed their mother or a very close relative for ritual money. One of such persons came to see me in my office some time ago. His eyes were very red. He had killed his mother to get money. Then I asked him, ‘Where is the money now?’, Unfortunately, he had no money! He didn’t get the money after all the atrocity he committed.
Beloved, the closer we get to the end of the age, the less love we find in the hearts of people. Genuine love will not be found anywhere except in God and in the church of Christ.
Remember this: The closer we get to the end of the age, the less love we find in the hearts of people.
1. By all means, refuse to partake in the loveless and wicked lifestyle of people in this age.
2. Make up your mind to love God and people unconditionally.
3. Never allow hatred to thrive in your heart.
PRAYER: O Lord, I receive the grace to love You and the people around me unconditionally. Deliver me from the wickedness and lovelessness of this generation, Lord, in Jesus’ Name
QUOTE: What do you do to get the favour of God? Make up your mind to desire good. Make up your mind that wickedness is not going to proceed out of your mouth. You will not be a part of crookedness. Culled from “WHO ARE YOU?” by Dr Paul Enenche.
DAILY READING: Jeremiah 10-12
AMAZING FACT: Despite their lack of visible ears, penguins have excellent hearing.
PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Receive the grace to love like God and escape the lovelessness of this generation in Jesus’ Name.