Paul Enenche When You Are There
Doctor Paul Enenche, the Senior Pastor of Dunamis, released When You Are There in addition to various other songs he has been inspired to compose. Learn more about Paul Enenche Gospel Music
Here is the lyrics:
Lyrics for When You Are There by Paul Enenche
When You are there …
When You are there
When You are there
There E E E E …
There is no need to worry
There is no need to fear
The battle may be raging
But the victory is sure
When You are there
When You are there
(There E E E E …)
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I shall fear no evil
For You’re always with me
When You are there
When You are there (There E E E E …)
When You are there …
When You are there
Paul Enenche I Can’t Pay You Lord Lyrics
LORD I BOW – Song by Dr. Paul Enenche +Lyrics

As you can see, this song is a powerful song of faith, encouraging our faith in the Strength of God.
There is something important Christians must always retain at heart, and it is the fact that the power of God should never be underestimated at any point in time. God created it all, and He owns all power. There is, indeed, no one like Him.
When God is with, one thing that is sure is victory. As humans, we are unlimited, and so, we need divine help to scale through this tough life. Of course, God never meant this life to be filled with issues and challenges in the first place, but it was sin that perverted it all. But then, anyone who is wise enough to move with God will find life more pleasant. Dr. Paul Eneche Quotes – Compilation
In John 1:4, scriptures says that in Christ is life, and the life becomes the light of men. It means, even though the world is in a dark and unpleasant state, anyone who will accept the life of Christ, bring into them His light, and that light will help them navigate easily and find them towing the path of success.
So, when God is with you, you become more than a conqueror. Yes, challenges might arise here and there at some point in time, but then, you can always rely on the Awesomeness of the Power of God. His powers are unmatched, and there is none like Him. Amen.
In the song When You Are There by Paul Enenche, there was a place that states: “When You are there, (There E E E E …), Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, For You’re always with me” Consider it again. Just like King David stated in Psalms 23. Yes, one can find himself or herself in the valley of the shadow of death at some point, but with the Lord with you, nothing to fear! Why? Because He will definitely deliver you! Amen! He did that for those before us. The Old Testament is filled with His deliverance. He delivered our patriarchs and matriarchs in the faith. It was God who delivered King David himself, and we read his pleasant testimonies. So, with God, we can be sure of victory. Amen! Paul Enenche Phone Number