Seeds of Destiny June 28 2022

SCRIPTURE: Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Your priorities determine your possibilities.
It has been established that a major essence of Christianity is transformation into the nature of Christ.
Now, this transformation or change of the life of a Christian into the nature of Christ is reflected in his/her life’s priorities. Priority refers to the fact or condition of regarding some things as being more important than others.
So, what does it mean to change one’s priorities in life? It means there must be a change in what matters most in one’s life; there must be a change of priorities. There must be a change in setting life’s priorities to reflect the most important things over the less important ones. You know, your priorities determine your possibilities.
The priority of a Christian should not be the same as the priority of the people of the world. For a child of God, his priority should be seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness ahead of all other things in life.
The priority of a child of God should reflect a life of communion, fellowship and intimacy with God; a life of prayer, fasting and the study of God’s Word. When he receives his income or he is blessed financially, the first thing he should think about is giving to God, which is called the tithe. These are the priorities of a genuine Christian.
As a matter of life’s principle, when I wake up in the morning, I do not feel comfortable talking to anyone until I have talked to God; it does not matter if there is a situation that needs my urgent attention, I must talk to God first.
My counsel to you is, let the change in your life reflect in your priorities of life.
REMEMBER THIS: Your priorities determine your possibilities.
ASSIGNMENTS: Seeds of Destiny June 28 2022
1. Go through today’s message once again.
2. Set your priorities right to reflect the authenticity of your Christianity.
PRAYER: Father, thank You for Your Word to me today. I receive the grace to set my priorities right, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: Place great priority on giving to God the greatest and the best in your life. Never give to God that which costs you nothing. And never give to God that which you know is not good enough for Him. Culled from “21 UNCOMMON KEYS TO FINANCIAL OVERFLOW” by Dr Paul Enenche. Seeds of Destiny June 28 2022
AMAZING FACT: A feeling of thirst occurs when water loss is equal to 1% of your body weight.
PROPHETIC WORD/DECLARATION: As you determine to place God first in your life, I decree that you won’t lose your position in life in Jesus’ Name.