Home » Seed of Destiny Devotional » Seeds Of Destiny 28th September 2019 – KNOWLEDGE – THE GUARANTEE OF STABILITY

Seeds Of Destiny 28th September 2019 – KNOWLEDGE – THE GUARANTEE OF STABILITY


As a child of God, a business person, civil servant, pastor, etc., what you know determines your stability in life.

SCRIPTURE Of Seeds of Destiny 28th Sept :

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; Ephesians 4:14

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: What you know determines your stability in life.

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It is crucial to understand that one of the most powerful forces on earth is knowledge. Both the right and the wrong kinds of knowledge are powerful; the right knowledge has a transforming power but the wrong knowledge has a destructive power. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the fruit that God told them not to eat, their original destiny according to the creative intent of God was instantly destroyed. On the other hand, when the disciples of Jesus knew Jesus as the Christ, the Saviour of the world, and also had the knowledge of His Word, they were transformed.

Now, let us see how powerful the right knowledge is. 

The right knowledge is key to stability. Isaiah 33:6 says, And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times…. So, knowledge gives stability. As a child of God, a business person, civil servant, pastor, etc., what you know determines your stability in life.

The reason many Christians are tossed to and fro by different doctrines from the pit of hell is the lack of the knowledge of God’s Word. 

If anyone tells me that he has seen Jesus a thousand times, I will not doubt him, but if he says that the Jesus he saw said something that is contrary to the scripture, I will discard his words; it does not matter how spiritual he claims to be. This is because God never breaks His Word or His principles.

Ignorance, therefore, facilitates instability. An ignorant person is an easily moveable person.

Remember this: what you know determines your stability in life.


1. Study the Scripture carefully in order to avoid the wave of deception that is moving in our world today.

2. Crave to know God and what He has purposed concerning your life.


PRAYER: O Lord, open my mind to what I should know in Your Word for the fulfilment of my life on earth and the guarantee of my eternity with You, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: Your sense of self confidence is enhanced by the possession of quality information. Learning enhances self-image. Culled from 21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY BIBLE READING: Isaiah 54:1 to 57:14, Ephesians 6:1 to 24, Psalm 70:1 to 5, Proverbs 24:8

AMAZING FACT: There is a diamond floating our galaxy that is bigger than Earth.

TODAY IN HISTORY: 28/9/2015: NASA scientists announce the discovery of flowing water on Mars.

DON’T FORGET TO ATTEND:  The Glory-filled Sunday Services by 6:00am, 8:00am and 10:00am tomorrow. Endeavour to come to Church with your friends and loved ones. God bless you.

About Seeds Of Destiny 

"Seeds of Destiny" is a popular daily devotional authored by Dr. Paul Enenche, the Senior Pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Centre in Abuja, Nigeria. The devotional is designed to provide spiritual nourishment and guidance to Christians on a daily basis. Each devotional entry in "Seeds of Destiny" typically consists of a Bible verse as the focal point, followed by an insightful and thought-provoking message written by Dr. Paul Enenche. The messages are aimed at encouraging believers to grow in their faith, deepen their relationship with God, and walk in their God-given purpose. The devotional covers a wide range of topics, including prayer, faith, obedience, character development, and living a purposeful life. It challenges readers to live a life of integrity, to pursue holiness, and to impact their world positively. "Seeds of Destiny" is renowned for its practical and straightforward approach to addressing real-life issues faced by Christians. The messages often emphasize the importance of walking in God's Word, standing on His promises, and relying on the Holy Spirit for guidance and empowerment. The devotional is widely used and appreciated by individuals, churches, and study groups around the world. Many readers find that it strengthens their spiritual lives and helps them apply biblical principles to their daily experiences. Overall, "Seeds of Destiny" serves as a helpful tool for Christians seeking to grow in their faith, gain spiritual insight, and live purposefully for God in their everyday lives. It is a valuable resource for those desiring a deeper understanding of God's Word and a closer walk with Him.

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About Pastor Paul Enenche Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche, Senior Pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Centre Abuja, Nigeria. The Author of Dunamis Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional, a daily bible devotional that reveals God’s promises to his children daily. Dunamis (Doo’na-mis) is the Greek word that means POWER. It is a power source that reproduces itself without a reduction in intensity. Thank you for reading Todays Seed Of Destiny Devotional SOD by Pastor Paul Enenche – Please share this post using the share button at end of the page, God Bless

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