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Seeds Of Destiny 22 December 2020

Yesterday: Seeds Of Destiny 22 December 2020 STEWARDSHIP ACCOUNTABILITY BEFORE GOD


Leaders, including public leaders, owe a duty of accountability before God, and must give an account of their stewardship on the last day.

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SCRIPTURE: Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. 1 Corinthians 4:1.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: One reason why some leaders misbehave while in office is that they are not conscious of their accountability before God.

Seeds Of Destiny 22 December 2020
Seeds Of Destiny 22 December 2020

Every single person owes a duty of accountability before God on the last day. And leaders, including public leaders, also owe a duty of accountability before God, and must give an account of their stewardship on the last day. So, as a leader, you will give an account of your stewardship before God (Romans 14:12).

Now, one reason why some leaders misbehave while in office is that they are not conscious of their accountability before God. It is the lack of accountability consciousness that makes some leaders to embezzle public funds and empty the treasury.

God will require of everyone, including every leader alike, the duty of accountability on the last day. For instance, as a local government chairman or a leader in the local government council, you will give an account of your leadership to God. When you maltreat people under you; engage in kidnapping, ritual killing and shedding of innocent blood to keep your position, you will give an account before the God who cannot be bribed.

As a governor or a leader in a state, you will give an account of your governance before God. You will give an account of how you spent the money belonging to your state government.

Are you a president of a nation or a holder of a key public office? You will give an account of how you utilized and managed the resources committed into your hands.  You will give an account of how you took care of or maltreated the people that God put under your care. When you embezzle government’s fund and misrule the people, you will give an account. When you loot the treasury and allow people to wallow in poverty, hunger and suffering while you enrich yourself at the expense of their welfare, you will give an account to God who is the Consuming Fire, on the last day.

Beloved, it is good to be aware of this so you can lead and serve well as a public officer.

Remember this: One reason why some leaders misbehave while in office is that they are not conscious of their accountability before God.

ASSIGNMENTS: Seeds Of Destiny 22 December 2020

1. As a leader, be always concerned about the welfare of the people under you.

2. Don’t embezzle public resources and allow people to suffer because you are a leader or a person in a position of trust.

3. Devise strategies to enhance people’s welfare as a leader or a person in a position of trust.

PRAYER: O Lord, thank You for the privilege of leadership. I ask for forgiveness in any way I have mismanaged the opportunity. I ask for grace to lead people right and not take advantage of them for my personal gain, Lord, in Jesus’ Name. Seeds Of Destiny 22 December 2020


QUOTE: As believers we are expected to come under the headship, leadership and direction of Jesus Christ as our Shepherd, Lord and Saviour. Culled from “14 SECRETS PLUS ONE TOWARDS A SWEET MARRIAGE” by Dr. Becky Enenche.

DAILY READING: 1 John 1-3 Seeds Of Destiny 22 December 2020

AMAZING FACT: If an identical twin lacks a certain tooth, the other twin will not have that tooth either.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Receive the grace to be faithful in your assignment in Jesus’ Name.

Seeds Of Destiny 22 December 2020

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About Seeds Of Destiny 

"Seeds of Destiny" is a popular daily devotional authored by Dr. Paul Enenche, the Senior Pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Centre in Abuja, Nigeria. The devotional is designed to provide spiritual nourishment and guidance to Christians on a daily basis. Each devotional entry in "Seeds of Destiny" typically consists of a Bible verse as the focal point, followed by an insightful and thought-provoking message written by Dr. Paul Enenche. The messages are aimed at encouraging believers to grow in their faith, deepen their relationship with God, and walk in their God-given purpose. The devotional covers a wide range of topics, including prayer, faith, obedience, character development, and living a purposeful life. It challenges readers to live a life of integrity, to pursue holiness, and to impact their world positively. "Seeds of Destiny" is renowned for its practical and straightforward approach to addressing real-life issues faced by Christians. The messages often emphasize the importance of walking in God's Word, standing on His promises, and relying on the Holy Spirit for guidance and empowerment. The devotional is widely used and appreciated by individuals, churches, and study groups around the world. Many readers find that it strengthens their spiritual lives and helps them apply biblical principles to their daily experiences. Overall, "Seeds of Destiny" serves as a helpful tool for Christians seeking to grow in their faith, gain spiritual insight, and live purposefully for God in their everyday lives. It is a valuable resource for those desiring a deeper understanding of God's Word and a closer walk with Him.

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About Pastor Paul Enenche Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche, Senior Pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Centre Abuja, Nigeria. The Author of Dunamis Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional, a daily bible devotional that reveals God’s promises to his children daily. Dunamis (Doo’na-mis) is the Greek word that means POWER. It is a power source that reproduces itself without a reduction in intensity. Thank you for reading Todays Seed Of Destiny Devotional SOD by Pastor Paul Enenche – Please share this post using the share button at end of the page, God Bless

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