Topic: The Word of God – The Blessing Container [Seeds of Destiny 1 July 2019 Devotional]

SCRIPTURE: And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 16:17
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: To despise the Word of God is to despise the blessing of God.
The Word of God is a mine of unsearchable treasure. The Word is pregnant with many benefits for the children of God. One of such benefits is the Blessing of God.
Events at creation confirm that the Word of God is the container of the blessing of God; God’s Word is the depot of the Blessing of God.
Let me give you an example: when God created Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the Bible said, God blessed them and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it… (Genesis 1:28). It was the Word of God that blessed Adam and Eve; only by His Word spoken upon them, the Blessing also came upon them. This implies that if God wants to bless a person, nation or generation, there is nothing He is going to do beyond speaking the Word. God does nothing outside His Word. So, to despise the Word of God is to despise the Blessing of God.
To further illustrate this fact, in Matthew 16:13-18, Peter got an accurate revelation of Jesus Christ, who is also the Word, and by that revelation, a blessing was pronounced on him. So, the revelation of the Word triggers the release of the blessing.
Beloved, to be in possession of the Word of God is to be in possession of the blessing of God; to despise or lack the Word is to be vulnerable to the curses of life. God’s Word is the cure for the curses of life and the guarantee of the Blessing of God.
Remember this: To despise the Word of God is to despise the blessing of God.
- Make demands on the grace to study the Word of God.
- Determine to study God’s Word consistently.
- Ask God to open your eyes to fresh revelations from His Word.
PRAYER: Lord, please open my eyes to the revelation in Your Word as I study Your Word. Cause Your blessing to rest on me, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
DAILY BIBLE READING: 2 Kings 18:13 to 19:37, Acts 21:1 to 17, Psalm 149:1 to 9, Proverbs 18:8
QUOTE: Where you are now is where your light has permitted you to be! Culled from GO IN THIS THY MIGHT by Dr Paul Enenche.
AMAZING FACT: Starfish can re-grow their arms. In fact, a single arm can regenerate a whole body.
DON’T FORGET TO ATTEND: The Healing and Deliverance Service by 9:00 am tomorrow. Invite someone. God bless you as you do so.
PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: The Blessing of the Word be your portion in this season in Jesus’ Name.
Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities