DIGC Seed Of Destiny Daily Sunday, 28 February, 2021
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go… MATT 28:18, 19 (NIV).
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: You are not at the mercy of premature death, deception, danger, strange and sudden diseases.
One major thing to note from our anchor Scripture is that God has given you power over the devil and his agents.
That is why you are not at the mercy of witches, wizards and all other forces of darkness. Beloved, you are not at the mercy of premature death, deception, danger, strange and sudden diseases.
YESTERDAY: SOD for 27 Feb 2021
Those looking for people to kill are not looking for you. Those looking for humans Because of its spare parts to trade in are not looking for you or your loved ones. You are not at the mercy of the enemy and his agents. The enemy and his agents are at your mercy.
You Know, in the village, when it is not market day, mad people would be would be everywhere at the market square. But when it is market day, nobody advises mad people to leave the market square. They would go away with their madness because it is market day.
That is how it is with the devil who is killing people before their time. No matter how mad the devil is, he cannot kill you and your Family members before your time because you are not at his mercy.
Beloved, the way God has helped us to snatch people from witchcraft power, occult power, premature death, and from the jaws of the devil; if that devil was powerful enough, we would have been forgotten long ago.
Beloved, declare to yourself today: I am not at the mercy of the enemy and his forces of deception, danger, diseases and death. The enemy is at the mercy of the power of God in my life in Jesus’ Name. DIGC Seed Of Destiny Daily Sunday, 28 February, 2021
Remember this: You are not at the mercy of premature, death, deception, danger, strange and sudden
Prophetic Declaration/Word: Continuous triumph is established for you and your loved ones in this season in Jesus’ Name.
ASSIGNMENTS: DIGC Seed Of Destiny Daily Sunday, 28 February, 2021
- Always know that you are not at the mercy of the enemy and his forces.
- Live in the consciousness that the devil is at your mercy.
DAILY READING: 1 Samuel 24-27.